Psychosis – A Different Reality – Educational Documentary DVD
Monkey See Productions / Menal Health First Aid
(Dir. Christine Mason/ DOP. Lily Watson)
Sound recordist.

This is a sample of a short documentary produced to educate people on the challenge of living with psychosis and how to help people that do. It's comprised of a series of interviews with three subjects who have all experienced psychosis.

The challenge with most documentaries, especially ones touching on very sensitive and personal experiences such as this, is to balance the technical needs of the production with the needs of the subjects to feel safe and comfortable. This is often not an easy thing to do when microphones and cameras are put in their face.

Whilst they can be a saviour in noisy locations, I made the choice to avoid radio mics for these interviews as they can often be invasive and uncomfortable for the subjects and I wanted them to feel as at ease as possible. Doing this meant choosing suitable locations in the subjects homes to record, correct and careful microphone selection and placement, and operating in a professional and caring way at all times.

These interviews we captured are some of the most fascinating and personal that I've had the privilege to record.