Filthy, Rich and Homeless – Broadcast Documentary Series (1 Season)
SBS / Blackfella Films
(Dir. Mariel Thomas / DOP. Simon Morris)
Sound recordist.

Filthy Rich and Homeless is a three-part documentary series which explores what it's like to be homeless in Australia. Set on the streets of Melbourne, five wealthy Australians are put out on the street, with nothing but the clothes they're given, in order to immerse them in the lifestyle of an often overlooked and ignored part of society.

As a sound recordist on the series I covered the backstories of Sydney based participants, Kayla Fenech, and Stu Laundy. I later returned to cover the emotional return home of Stu.

With any documentary production, clean dialogue is absolutely key. Along with that is the consideration of making yourself as invisible as possible as to not affect the story, and being prepared for any unexpected events that can and will occur. Managing this isn't always easy but experience, planning, and the right tools are all something essential to getting the great results you can hear here.