Sydney Conservatorium Large Choir – ABC Classic FM Broadcast
Producer, audio engineer.
Haydn’s complete Missa Sancti Nicolai
Ave Maria, O Auctrix Vite!
During my Masters Degree at University of Sydney I undertook a number of units of study through the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. One of the units was a 'record portfolio' in which I was required to make various recordings of the live performances put on by conservatorium ensembles. The most ambitions of these I undertook was a surround sound recording of the Sydney Conservatorium Large Choir, live in the Verbruggen Hall.
A custom designed mic array was used to record the performance, which included a modified DECCA tree / ORTF setup, spot mics, and highly strung outriggers in the roof.
In addition to the surround sound mix, which unfortunately has been heard by very few people due to the format, a stereo mix was compiled which was broadcast on ABC Classic FM.